What is Carcinagens?
Well, first of Carcinagens is a type of cancer. Cancer is caused by changes is cells DNA, and this type of cancer usually comes from your family or stuff like smoke and tobbaco. Carcinogens do not affect DNA directly, but lead to cancer in other ways. For example, they may cause cells to divide at a faster than normal rate, which could increase the chances that DNA changes will occur.Carcinogens do not cause cancer in every case, all the time. Substances labeled as carcinogens may have different levels of cancer-causing potential. Some may cause cancer only after prolonged, high levels of exposure. And for any particular person, the risk of developing cancer depends on many factors, including how they are exposed to a carcinogen, the length and intensity of the exposure, and the person’s genetic makeup.
So in conclusion Carsinagens is somthing caused by stuff you do as a person or family.
Myths and Facts
On tobacco
What are some myths and facts on tobacco that we might need to know? Stuff we would to need to know in case we actually had the thought of wanting to smoke. But don’t smoke. It’s bad, and here’s why.
Smoking is not a drug problem.
That is definitely a myth. Smoking is a huge drug. The nicotine found in tobacco Carbonated drinks , coffee, and alcohol will increase one’s craving for tobacco.
Tobacco users can suffer from nicotine poisoning. The signs of nicotine poisoning are dizziness, nausea, and diarrhea.
It takes most people an average of 5 tries before they can successfully stop smoking.
The idea of cigarettes=weight loss comes from tobacco company’s advertising campaign from early-mid 1900’s. What better way to get a person’s attention than to say you will look better and lose weight easily if you use our product. Something to think about-Why are most “women’s” cigarettes called “slim” or “light”.
Those were some myths followed by facts.
Don’t smoke!!! products is very addictive, and if start you may not stop.
Only adults smoke cigarettes.
Not only do adults smoke but KIDS smoke to. The average age of a person to start smoking is usually around 13 years of age.
Once you are addicted to tobacco, there is no use in trying quit. The damage is already done
Well, first off when a person stops smoking the body immediately starts repairing itself. For example, it takes about 8 hours for the oxygen to replenish throughout the body.
Smoking helps my body to relax.
Smoking doesn’t help the body to relax. The nicotine is a stimulant. Stimulants speed your body up, they do not calm your body down at all. Plus, no other drug keeps a user as busy as smoking.
Smoking will help me lose weight and if I quit smoking I will gain weight.
For new smokers and ex-smokers about 1/3 stay the same weight. When it comes to weight loss , it is much smarter and safer to exercise and make positive changes in your diet than to use tobacco products.
Carbonated drinks , coffee, and alcohol will increase one’s craving for tobacco.
Tobacco users can suffer from nicotine poisoning. The signs of nicotine poisoning are dizziness, nausea, and diarrhea.
It takes most people an average of 5 tries before they can successfully stop smoking.
The idea of cigarettes=weight loss comes from tobacco company’s advertising campaign from early-mid 1900’s. What better way to get a person’s attention than to say you will look better and lose weight easily if you use our product. Something to think about-Why are most “women’s” cigarettes called “slim” or “light”.
Those were some myths followed by facts. All of the information I have gotten from here is all true, so never pick up a cigarette.
Don’t smoke!!!
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